vitalistic chiropractic &
nervous system specialist

Tuch 22

a gentle and revolutionary approach to healing

Gentle and effective chiropractic for all ages, and stages of healing. Integrate stored tension within the body and use it to change your mind, body, and life.Thank you for being here.

Tuch 22
(pronounced 'Touch Twenty Two')
1564 Parkway St.
Dubuque, IA 52001

nature needs no help,
just no interference.
b.j. palmer d.c.

about tuch 22

Tuch 22 is the antonym to Catch 22. The latter being an impossible situation, the former being an endless opportunity of abundance, growth, and potential.

The idea for Tuch 22 was birthed at a chiropractic conference in Denver, CO June of 2022. After listening to a powerhouse chiropractor, Dr. Nona Djavid, deliver an exceptionally inspirational speech. Looking up to the sky, Dr. Zoe prayed. Ok God, you have me. I am ready to serve you. How do you need me? An hour later ideas came flooding through as she furiously wrote them down; and Tuch 22 was born. It has shifted and changed since then, but one thing remains the same:
Serving your highest good through the surrender of God's will for her.

The name Tuch 22 is pronounced "Touch Twenty-Two." The spelling of "Tuch" paying homage to chiropractic's developer, B.J. Palmer. Without his mad genius and dedication to chiropractic, it would not be what it is today. He worked more than hard, and believed no time could be wasted on the use of meaningless letters; so he chose to spell in phonetics. Why waste time on the letter 'O'? Haha!

Tuch 22 starts with three 'T's, which signifies the Three T's of chiropractic: thoughts, trauma, and toxins. Any dysregulation or dis-ease in the body can always be rooted back to one of those three.
Here are some examples of each:
Thoughts: negative self talk and mind chatter, verbal abuse, harmful music lyrics, etc
Traumas: physical abuse, car accidents, sports injuries, etc.
Toxins: drugs, drinking, processed foods, excessive sugar, etc.

Dr. Zoe focuses on you as a whole human. She understand you are a unique individual who has the ability and potential to thrive, and is committed to that.
She utilizes a nervous system based approach: this approach focuses on how your nervous system is currently functioning, and how we can help it to function with more ease, coherence, and harmony.Your nervous system controls everything: bodily functions, thoughts, actions, perception, energy level, health, wellness, the overall structure of your life...the list continues on. Change your spine, and you change your life, because when you change the system that controls it all, everything else falls into place! Want more peace and ease throughout your day? Start with bringing peace and ease to your spine.


To aid in the ascension of the collective human consciousness, through the reorganization of bound energy within. To build a community of hope, love, and safety where all who feel called can share in the abundance of deep internal healing.

Our Vision

A world where love is chosen over fear; where connection, compassion, and community are the root of life.

claim more life

about doc

Dr. Zoe is a Midwest native with a free spirit + a big heart.
Chiropractic is her life passion and God given purpose;
her ability to help others through their healing journey is
an honor + privilege she carries with the utmost reverence.
Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA is where she received her Doctorate of Chiropractic. When she was not in school she spent time practicing her adjusting skills with friends, and attended specialized chiropractic seminars like MLS, NetworkSpinal, and Mile High. She still enjoys furthering her education and the love of this craft, considering herself a life long student.She enjoys helping anywhere she is able, but has a special place
for women, children, and those seeking a deeper spiritual connection.
Zoe is committed to guiding you on your healing journey
--she is not here to take away symptoms--but to help you through them.

"When I'm gone, I want to be remembered for how much I loved. I want to be a love so big it transcends space and time, nurturing and holding people for years and years to come."
- Dr. Zoe

the power that made the body, heals the body.
b.j. palmer d.c.

new clients

If you are new here, welcome! Thank you so much for your time. Whether you are new to chiropractic, or just new here at Tuch 22 we are aware you may hold some questions on what to expect.

The first step in becoming a new client is to book your free 15 minute discovery call. Please look out for a confirmation email that holds the link to an intake form that needs to be complete prior to your call.
The link for the virtual call will be emailed one hour prior to the time. If you don't see the email check your spam! That's been known to happen. During the call you'll be encouraged to elaborate on your intention with starting care, and any other desires you have. Dr. Zoe will ask questions and together you'll find a path that suites your highest good!

If you need any clarity on expectations prior to the discovery call, she is happy to answer any questions you may have via email.

Thank you for choosing to embark on this journey, hope to see you soon!

stay in 'tuch'!


Do I need to be in pain, or have a "problem" to be seen?

Definitely not! This care is about adaptation, and optimization. How well can you perceive, respond, and adapt to the stimuli of life (exciting news, uncomfortable news, work, to-do lists, family, physical discomfort, etc); and how can we optimize your current state of being to be able to perform the above with more ease?Everything we experience in the world around us is first perceived through your nervous system. Your nervous system is what holds the "codes," aka strategies, of how to respond and react to your external and internal environment. Those strategies have an endless capacity to become more efficient.What does this mean for you?A vibrant life full of ease, peace, energy, and harmony to experience the life you love and long for.When you keep your nervous system adjusted, you keep the operating system of your life as up to date as possible! Stressful things don't seem as "big" anymore, and your overall quality of life steadily increases! There is no limit on your ability to live a life full of vitality and wholeness.

How will I know if this care is right for me?

Prior to working with Dr. Zoe, there is a 15 minute complimentary discovery call to see if she is a good fit for your needs. You will begin by filling out a Comprehensive Health Profile, and once it's submitted can look forward to discovering how Dr. Zoe can best serve you and your goals.Find more information about becoming a client here.

How much will everything cost?

Price will be discussed during the discovery call, depending on your specific needs and level of commitment pricing will vary. Dr. Zoe offers individual sessions and discounted session packs. Together you will find an option that serves you the greatest for your current state, meeting you right where you're at.Find more information about becoming a client here.

Can I use my insurance?

Dr. Zoe is out-of-network with insurance companies, this is to ensure the care she gives is aligned with your highest good, and not just what the insurance companies will allow. If you prefer to use a Health Savings Account (HSA) she is happy to give any receipts needed.

Do I have to come forever?

You are not required to do anything. :) Dr. Zoe will work along side you to determine what she thinks would suit your needs and goals best, taking in to consideration you and your unique situation. She is happy to be of service no matter how long the season--although most people choose to continue care as part of their lifestyle; they recognize their life is better being well adjusted and notice when they are not!

Can I be seen if I am pregnant?
Can I bring my children?

Absolutely, in fact, both are highly encouraged! Chiropractic is a wonderful and gentle way to help you and your baby thrive as your body undergoes massive shifts. As for children outside of the womb, chiropractic helps them thrive as they learn and grow! Children are highly sensitive beings, adjusting them regularly allows them to let go and adapt to the big, unfamiliar world around them. To schedule a visit for you and your little book your free discovery call using the link below.